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Sandy Li, MD

Sandy Li, MD

Reproductive Endocrinologist

Dr. Sandy Li is a board-certified Reproductive Endocrinologist at Boston IVF. Fluent in English and Mandarin, she specializes in all aspects of fertility care.

Available to patients in Massachusetts

Downtown Boston, MA and Stoneham, MA

Dr. Sandy Li is a Reproductive Endocrinologist at Boston IVF. Fluent in English and Mandarin, she specializes in all aspects of fertility care.  

Dr. Li graduated from Brandeis University with a double major in biology and biochemistry before earning a master’s degree in medical science from Boston University.  She earned her medical degree at Drexel University College of Medicine.  Dr. Li completed her residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Saint Joseph Mercy Hospital and then joined the faculty at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) where she saw OB/GYN patients and conducted research in endocrinology as part of the STAR program.

Dr. Li completed her fellowship in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at Duke University.  For her thesis, she studied the role of calcium channels in uterine contractions.  She then served as a reproductive endocrinologist and infertility specialist at Shady Grove Fertility in Maryland, where she was director of the Chinese Patient Program. 

Dr. Li is a fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology and a member of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. She has published research on a variety of fertility topics including in vitro fertilization, donor egg treatment, and fresh vs. frozen embryo transfers.  She has authored multiple research manuscripts, book chapters, and also been invited to China to lecture on infertility at several academic centers.  Dr. Li has received several academic and clinical honors including the Pfizer/SRI President’s Presenter Award, Pacific Coast Reproductive Society Scholarship, and the Charles Hammond Research Fund.

Dr. Li was born in China and moved to Brookline, Massachusetts during high school.  She is bilingual in Chinese (Mandarin) and English.   Dr. Li thinks of Boston as her second home and is excited to return to Massachusetts.


李珺珺医生是 一 位生殖内分泌专家,持有美国妇产科协会的专业领域证书。她精通英语和普通话,  擅长生殖内分泌和不孕不育专科的全部治疗。 

李医生拥有布兰迪斯大学生物学和生物化学双学士学位,并在波士顿大学取得了医学科学硕士学位,在德雷塞尔医学院获得了医学博士学位。李医生在圣约瑟夫慈济医院完成了妇产科住院医师培训后,作为加州大学洛杉矶分校医学院教授团成员(临床讲师),她服务于妇产科病人,并从事妇科内分泌研究。其后,李医生在杜克大学完成了博士后生殖内分泌和不孕症专科医师学业。在加入Boston IVF之前,做为生殖内分泌和不孕症专家,她任职于著名的Shady Grove Fertility,兼任中国病人部主任。做为一个麻州人,李医生非常高兴有机会重返波士顿,加入Boston IVF。

李医生已获得多项学术和临床荣誉,包括“辉瑞/ SRI总裁奖”,“太平洋生殖学会奖”和“查尔斯哈蒙德研究基金奖”等,并拥有塔夫茨医学中心妇产科助理教授等多个专业职称。

李医生是美国生殖医学会和美国妇产科学会的会员。她发表过多篇关于生殖方面的学术研究报告,内容包括 “体外受精,供卵治疗,鲜胚与冰冻胚胎移植”等研究课题。她是多篇研究论文和论著章节的作者,并应邀在中国多个学术中心举行过生殖医学和不孕症讲座。



We look forward to speaking with you, and will be in touch as soon as possible!