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Chelsea & David



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We were married for two years when we started to feel it was time to grow our family. We felt the call to become parents in the fall of 2019 while watching families with their young children enjoying the lead-up to the holidays. It felt like it was time. Plus our dog and cat wanted a human sibling. Making the decision felt thrilling at first. But as time went by without success, we started to fear that we would never be parents. Finally, in the summer of 2021 we were referred to Boston IVF and Dr. DiGirolamo. We were diagnosed with unexplained infertility - a frustrating diagnosis, but Dr. DiGirolamo made us feel confident that she could help us on our journey.

Going through IVF treatment was an emotional rollercoaster. Hormones, injections, tests, procedures. In March of 2022 we experienced an early pregnancy loss which left us grieving and desolate. But just a few months later, in July, we tried another transfer. It was scary and difficult to feel hopeful again. Even when we got that positive beta test and saw the heartbeat on our 7-week ultrasound, it still felt dangerous to let our guard down. But as time went by and we reached one milestone after another, it started to feel more real.

Thanks to the expertise, professionalism, and compassion of our care team at Boston IVF, we welcomed our daughter to the world in March 2023. We couldn't have asked for a better group of professionals to help us on our journey to parenthood. Dr. DiGirolamo and her nurses (especially Bryna and Ryan) took the best care of us, answering every anxious question and guiding us through the medical minutiae of IVF with care and competence. Thank you!
How did your boston ivf physician and nursing team help to make your journey a success?
Nurses Bryna and Ryan were amazing, always understanding and kind while answering my many, many questions.
What were some highs or lows of your treatment(s)? What is unique/different about your story?
The lowest point for us was losing our first pregnancy. We also had some lows related to treatment - there were moments when I felt like I just couldn't stand one more jab in my stomach. Talking it through with my partner, letting out some tears, and relying on his support helped. There were little highs, too. Transfer days were a time to celebrate and embrace hope.
What advice do you have for other struggling with infertility?
Infertility treatment will challenge you physically and emotionally, don't be afraid to be vulnerable and seek out a support person or a network of friends and family who can listen and be there for you during the lows and the highs alike.


We look forward to speaking with you, and will be in touch as soon as possible!