become an egg donor | Alabama Supreme Court Ruling

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I have always known that I was meant to be a mom. I have also said that by the time I was 40 if I was not in a relationship, I would have a child on my own. I started my fertility journey with Boston IVF in October 2022. I decided that I was going to have a baby using donor sperm. Given that I had low body weight and had not had a menstrual cycle in 3 years, I was convinced that I ruined my body and would never get pregnant. The doctors at Boston IVF reassured me that getting pregnant was possible and even though my journey was quick (I got pregnant in April 2023), it felt like 5 years.

I remember crying to Dr. Sandy Lee that I would never get pregnant, and she said, “Maybe the third time is a charm”, referring to the third IUI. And the third time was a charm! I got pregnant with the third IUI, not even needing to get to IVF or use eggs that I had frozen 2 years prior. I had a great pregnancy and delivery and now have my son Bailee Pat, born on January 6, 2024. I cannot thank all the great nurses and Dr. Sandy Lee at Boston IVF enough for this priceless gift!
How did your boston ivf physician and nursing team help to make your journey a success?
ALL the nurses! and Dr. Ryley and Dr. Li
What were some highs or lows of your treatment(s)? What is unique/different about your story?
Even though it was only 6 months, it felt like forever. I missed Christmas with my family because of treatments that didn’t go as planned but all worth it in the end.
What advice do you have for other struggling with infertility?
Anything is possible! And be patient!


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